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Workshop Liban : Saïda en projets de paysage
Year: 2006 Publisher: Montréal : Presses de l'Université de Montréal,

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Cet ouvrage reflète l'expérience stimulante d'une réflexion internationale sur l'avenir du développement d'une petite ville située dans le Liban du Sud, Saïda. Fruit d'une collaboration entre des étudiants et des professeurs en architecture de paysage, en architecture, en urbanisme et en études touristiques de quatre pays (Canada, Italie, Liban, Maroc), ce workshop présente différents projets de mise en valeur et de développement des paysages périurbains et dévoile les attraits et les singularités d'un territoire oublié, faut-il le rappeler, par le temps et par les événements d'une histoire récente. À l'heure de la reconstruction annoncée du Liban, ce livre est la manifestation tangible de la nécessité de stratégies d'aménagement qui soient soucieuses de l'environnement, de la culture et de l'histoire locale des villes, des paysages et de leurs habitants.

Imagination et construction mentale : La fabrique du discours scientifique
Year: 2022 Publisher: Pessac : Ausonius Éditions,

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Imagination and mental construction are processes attached to the development of scientific discourse and research in archaeological sciences. Past human groups built symbolic thoughts, shaped and exploited their environments, and these concepts enabled them to design new objects from raw materials. This book uses diachronic and interdisciplinary case studies to examine how imagination and mental construction interact to produce ideas or material objects in past societies and in current research. It also examines the elaboration of scientific discourse, a process that is based on the researcher's own mental constructs and that is enriched today by a critical approach to past discourses as well as by the contribution of new methods and methodologies.

La Villa romaine de Montcaret. Une villa et son environnement dans le sud-ouest de la Gaule
Year: 2021 Publisher: Pessac : Ausonius Éditions,

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The archeological site of Montcaret consists of the Pars urbana of a large Roman implantation. It is composed of two levels (Early and late roman Empires), themselves divided into several periods. The last period (5th century A.D.) offers the largest basilica room in the region, a triclinium, a pool and some very well preserved mosaics. The site is inhabited again in the Middle Ages, with a Romanesque church and a necropolis. The site has been studied in its diachronic and synchronic context and the Pars agraria close to the estate has deserved a special research. The artifacts found in the excavations (Roman and medieval coins, Roman and medieval, ceramics, architectural fragments, reliquary cross, sarcophagi, perinatal burials) have been the subject of specific studies, each of them carried out by specialists. They are presented in the museum space of the site which can be visited.

An anthropology of landscape : the extraordinary in the ordinary
Authors: ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: London : UCL Press,

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An Anthropology of Landscape tells the fascinating story of a heathland landscape in south-west England and the way different individuals and groups engage with it. Based on a long-term anthropological study, the book emphasises four individual themes: embodied identities, the landscape as a sensuous material form that is acted upon and in turn acts on people, the landscape as contested, and its relation to emotion. The landscape is discussed in relation to these themes as both 'taskscape' and 'leisurescape', and from the perspective of different user groups. The book makes an innovative contribution to landscape studies and will appeal to all those interested in nature conservation, historic preservation, the politics of nature, the politics of identity, and an anthropology of Britain.

'Guardare' il paesaggio : Breve vademecum per gli Osservatori del Paesaggio in Toscana
Year: 2016 Publisher: Florence : Firenze University Press,

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This volume was born from a recognition of the experiences and warnings which were needed for the creation of a landscape observatory in Tuscany, and for the definition of the network and interactive methods which the observatory itself can use while aiming at its own operational effectiveness. The analysis was carried out during the formation stage of the Landscape Plan of Tuscany and during the collaboration which the Regional Authority has promoted with the Inter-University Centre of Territory Sciences. Starting from the examination of the organizational and functional models characterizing the main European and Italian experiences, in the plurality of regulatory contexts, forms of landscape planning and regulation and practices of cultural and association mobilization of the reference populations, some working hypotheses are formulated and calibrated on the Tuscan situation.

Adriatlas 3 : Recherches pluridisplinaires récentes sur les amphores nord-adriatiques à l'époque romaine
Year: 2020 Publisher: Pessac : Ausonius Éditions,

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The study of ceramics needs to work more and more collaboratively together, between archaeologist, historians and archaeometrists : we are developing a real dialogue, which combine different disciplines in a broader perspective related to paleoenvironment as well as technics and economy. The Round Table from April 11th 2016, entitled "Recet multidisciplinary researches on north-adriatic amphoras in the Roman era" gathered some of the researchers from the four large centres of Padova, Vienna-Budapest, Aix-en-Provence and Bordeaux. All participants are involved in this multidisciplinary research with colleagues from Croatia who are widely committed to the archaeological and historic research of Istria. These researchers are motivated by the need to share their methods and reflections and to compare them in order to try finding answers to their problematic which are similar but in very different contexts.

Il "Foro Provinciale" di Tarraco (Hispania Citerior) : Tecniche e processi edilizi
Year: 2020 Publisher: Bordeaux, France : Ausonius éditions,

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The grand building complex in Tarraco known as the "Provincial Forum" is one of the most emblematic imperial-era monuments in the western Roman provinces. Based on the observation and detailed analysis of the archaeological evidence from an original perspective, this monograph proposes an investigation of the technical aspects and Roman building processes involved in the three main areas of the monument: the Worship Area, the Representation Square and the Circus. The construction of one of the key monuments in the Roman West was extensively influenced by local stone resources, in particular limestone, coming from the quarries near the colony. The use of this stone material have generated the search for architectural solutions, combination of material and technique, that have become the identifying characteristic not only of the monument, but also of the town's image. The analysis of the construction process was key to understanding the ancient structures. It revealed the dynamic nature of their construction, the result of a plan that was constantly changing and adapting to external conditions or to the requirements of the construction site. It shows a process that reflects the existence of a plan in continuous evolution, a manifestation of the essence of the building site (cantiere di costruzione) and its architecture.

Me´thodes d'enregistrement des donne´es en arche´ologie
Authors: ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Éditions de la Sorbonne,

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L'archéologie nécessite des méthodes d'enregistrement rigoureuses qui sont la base de l'approche scientifique de l'étude d'un site et de la construction d'un corpus. Comment doit-on enregistrer les données archéologiques ? Quelles sont les méthodes à notre disposition pour réaliser cette tâche sur le terrain et en laboratoire ? Cette publication fait suite à la 13e journée doctorale d'archéologie dont l'objectif était de débattre et de discuter autour de ces questions. Les communications et posters ont porté à la fois sur les différentes méthodes de fouilles et sur l'enregistrement des données, en laboratoire et sur le terrain, ainsi que sur leur partage. Les interventions ont mis en avant l'utilisation des nouvelles technologies pour l'enregistrement des données de terrain et de bases de données pour l'homogénéisation de la documentation de fouilles anciennes et récentes. Les cas d'étude présentés montrent également l'intérêt du partage de données en archéologie pour développer des approches pluridisciplinaires et complémentaires.

Paisagem e socionatureza : olhares geográfico-filosóficos
ISBN: 8564905981 8564905973 Year: 2018 Publisher: SciELO Books - Editora UFFS

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A obra resultou de uma pesquisa de pós-doutoramento realizada no Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa. O enfoque é a compreensão das bases filosóficas de um conceito amplamente utilizado na pesquisa e no ensino de Geografia: a paisagem. A partir da abordagem filosófica, que a considera como dimensão da existência e de um possível retorno ao sentimento de natureza em uma sociedade econômica e ecologicamente em crise, o objetivo da obra é discorrer sobre a paisagem enquanto potencialidade para a leitura crítica da realidade e busca de um mundo socialmente justo. A essência da natureza é constituída pela dialética ordem-caos e, enquanto movimento incessante, subjuga tudo e todos à dissolução no tempo e no espaço. No cerne da democrática condenação natural à morte, a sociedade hierárquica pode encontrar meios para realizar sua própria humanidade: sem guerras, sem degradação, sem riquezas acumuladas através de empobrecimento e fome. A compreensão da paisagem pode ser a porta de entrada para a estética da beleza que deve haver no mundo, em nós, nas relações humanas e na maneira de transformar a natureza.

Ancestral Landscapes of the Pueblo World
ISBN: 0816549648 0816523088 Year: 2022 Publisher: University of Arizona Press

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The eastern Pueblo heartland, located in the northern Rio Grande country of New Mexico, has fascinated archaeologists since the 1870s. In Ancestral Landscapes of the Pueblo World, James Snead uses an exciting new approach- landscape archaeology-to understand ancestral Pueblo communities and the way the people consciously or unconsciously shaped the land around them. Snead provides detailed insight into ancestral Puebloan cultures and societies using an approach he calls "contextual experience," employing deep mapping and community-scale analysis. This strategy goes far beyond the standard archaeological approaches, using historical ethnography and contemporary Puebloan perspectives to better understand how past and present Pueblo worldviews and meanings are imbedded in the land. Snead focuses on five communities in the Pueblo heartland-Burnt Corn, T'obimpaenge, Tsikwaiye, Los Aguajes, and Tsankawi-using the results of intensive archaeological surveys to discuss the changes that occurred in these communities between AD 1250 and 1500. He examines the history of each area, comparing and contrasting them via the themes of "provision," "identity," and "movement," before turning to questions regarding social, political, and economic organization. This revolutionary study thus makes an important contribution to landscape archaeology and explains how the Precolumbian Pueblo landscape was formed.

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